Monday, May 16, 2011

Guess What

Here is what happens when I leave my Evie alone with her father and he allows her to choose her own outfit...Hopefully the face is from her realization of the mismatching colors. :)

In other news, Evie continues to amaze us with her vocabulary and ability to remember the silliest things we've said. We were in the car the other day and I was talking to Mike. All of a sudden he stops me and asks if I heard what Evie had just said. I hadn't so he told me. "I'm through with you Mom." Cause a what!?!

Then the other night we were driving home late and Evie was half a sleep. Mike said, "Evie, guess what?" "What?" Mike, "Chicken butt!" We all giggled till the next morning when Evie comes to me and says, "Guess what?" "What?" "Chi... butt." She got the first half of chicken right but forgot how to finish it. She's a pro now after playing the game for a few minutes though. I love you little sponge!


kookookachu said...
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Nate and Cami said...

Yay! I love your side bar! Congrats!