Monday, May 23, 2011

'It'Number Two

So I wasn't ready to officially announce this on Friday but I am today. We are going to be having an addition to our little family in late Nov., early Dec. (I am ambiguous here because even before a child is born they have an opinion about themselves.) The official due date is Nov. 24 so we might just have a holiday baby but we will see.

I've been sick with this baby where I wasn't with Evie. And I thought that it had gone away now that I was out of the first trimester but it came back with a vengeance this morning.

We would like a boy. In fact, I think I would be happy to have just boys from here on out, but that would be Mike's determination. We used some old wives tales last night to determine gender and two out of three said it was a boy so we will see.

The above pictures were taken because the doppler wouldn't pick-up the little things heartbeat because of how it was sitting so we used the ultrasound machine for the heartbeat and just happened to take some picture while we were there. :) The first one is of the body. The solid white circle on the left is the head. The other round thing is the body. The two little white circles on the side of the head are hands. And the second picture is of the feet. They are the two little white ovals on the right of the picture.

So that's my news. We're really excited and feel very blessed. Even Evie is getting excited. She told me this weekend, "Mom, sometime I will help with the new baby." At least I'll have her help sometimes. :)


Heather said...

Congratulations! I hope you get to feeling better!!

Kelle said...

CONGRATS! This is great news. I hope it is a boy.

Kelsey said...

Congrats!! How exciting! I hope you get a boy too, that's what I wanted but never got. Wouldn't trade my Aubrey for anything though. And you sound so much like me, I wasn't sick with my 1st but the 2nd I was pretty sick. Hopefully it will go away soon! Congrats to your little family!

Julie said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! I'm sorry you've been so sick :( Maybe it will be a boy since your pregnancy is so different that the first.

Nichole said...

I was wondering if this was going to be happening soon....YEAH!!! Congrats!

Jenny said...

Congratulations Megs!!