Thursday, December 30, 2010

Exclamation Point!

This is a picture from a few seasons ago where Evelyn put these glasses on and just pouted at us for like 2 minutes till she broke out in giggles. She is my little drama queen, where ever that came from.

My story for today illustrates that quality of my daughter. We were riding home from daycare on Monday. She was just jabbering away about her teacher and her friends when all of sudden this came out of her mouth. "Aunt Kenna, Aunt Shelly, Aunt Melly." And that was it. I got a little apprehensive of a possible fit when I had to tell her that Aunt Kenna and Aunt Melly had gone back to their home in Arkansas. She was quiet for a sec. " Grandpa?" I asked if she was talking about Grandpa Brad and she confirmed that was the person she was talking about. I then had to tell her that Grandpa Brad had gone back to Arkansas too.

This is the part where I almost pee my pants. All I heard from the back of the car was, "! That's AMAZING!!!" The end.

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